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Jungle House

Schismatoglottis wallichii

Schismatoglottis wallichii

Regular price $44.00 AUD
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This tropical plant, Schismatoglottis wallichii, is native to Southeast Asia and boasts medium to large, arrow- or shield-shaped leaves with a distinctive silvery-green chevron marking. Its bold appearance makes it a statement piece or a unique accent in any plant collection.

As it ages and develops, it can grow to a height of 3 feet and feature leaves up to 18 inches long! 

Bright, indirect light (partial shade outdoors). Water thoroughly when top 2" of soil are dry.  Droopy leaves indicate underwatering, soaking your plant from the bottom will help it perk back up. Yellowing leaves indicate a plant that is being overwatered, allow to dry out more between watering and your plant should bounce back to health.

In a clear 5" nursery pot. 




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