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Jungle House

Hoya Tricolor Rubra "Krimson Princess"

Hoya Tricolor Rubra "Krimson Princess"

Regular price $16.20 USD
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Hoya Tricolor Rubra is a popular Hoya plant that requires bright, indirect light, well-draining soil, and regular fertilization. It prefers to dry out between waterings and benefits from high humidity levels. With proper care, your Hoya can grow healthy and produce fragrant and delicate flowers! 

Oh, the Hoya Krimson Queen and Rubra may look similar, but there's a twist - the variegation on 'Rubra' goes in reverse! The leaves sport green on the outside, but color on the inside.
And don't be fooled by the name confusion, 'Rubra' can also be found as Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Princess'. It's enough to make any houseplant lover do a double take! But fear not, they are indeed one in the same.




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