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Jungle House

Peperomia Stilt

Peperomia Stilt

Regular price $18.80 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.80 USD
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Previously known as Peperomia puteolata and commonly called "Stilt Peperomia", this peperomia stands out with its distinct stripes and unique growth pattern.

This plant produces long shoots that form rosettes of new leaves, causing the top-heavy shoot to lean over.

As epiphytes, in their natural habitat, they typically grow on the trunks or branches of trees in the understory of forests, obtaining most of their water through dew or moisture in the air.  So be sure not to overwater - let soil mostly dry out between waterings. 

This Peperomia is a true low light plant and better still she's pet friendly! 

In a clear 4" nursery pot.  



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