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Jungle House

Potted Juniper Bonsai Tree

Potted Juniper Bonsai Tree

Regular price $46.60 USD
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The Juniper Bonsai, renowned for its suitability in learning the art of bonsai, is a charming and compact tree adorned with verdant, needle-shaped leaves and meticulously trimmed branches. Bonsai, a centuries-old Japanese practice, involves the cultivation of miniature trees using specific techniques to replicate the appearance and size of their full-grown counterparts.

Light is a crucial aspect of caring for Juniper bonsai trees. These plants need to be placed in a bright, well-lit area in order to thrive and remain healthy. Unfortunately, there are no low light options for this type of bonsai, so the best location for them is the brightest spot in your home. To reach their full potential, high light plants require a minimum of 6 hours of direct, bright sunlight per day.

Place your bonsai in a location that receives morning sun, or somewhere that receives 4-6 hours of direct sun throughout the day. Morning sun is recommended since it is less harsh on their beautiful foliage. If they receive morning sun at the beginning of the day, it is almost as if the light is "waking up the tree," without burning the foliage from the afternoon sun. If your only option is afternoon sun, make sure to transition your plant into the full sun, or provide some slight protection by installing a very sheer curtain for some slight protection.

Provide your potted Juniper Bonsai Tree with the correct amount of light, and then adjust the watering accordingly throughout the year. Although they are generally low maintenance in terms of watering, it is crucial to keep track of their watering needs and to allow them to dry out slightly between waterings, particularly during the colder, darker winter season.


When watering, fully saturate the soil surface and then wait one minute before saturating again. It is recommended to use a hose, shower head, or shower-head sink to ensure thorough watering of both the plant's foliage and soil.

Ensure your bonsai's health by keeping a spray bottle nearby and regularly misting the leaves. This step is crucial after repotting, as it allows the roots to adjust to the new pot and soil and properly absorb water to nourish the tree. Misting also prevents dehydration of the foliage.

This amazing potting Juniper Bonsai is planted in a modern square planter with drainage hole.  



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