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Jungle House

Schefflera arboricola "Trinette"

Schefflera arboricola "Trinette"

Regular price $28.80 USD
Regular price Sale price $28.80 USD
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 The Schefflera arboricola 'Trinette' is a beautifully variegated plant suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Its vibrant blend of cream and green foliage adds both texture and color, making it the perfect focal point in any setting. This low-maintenance plant is suitable for all levels of gardening experience, requiring only moderate sunlight and watering. Its compact size allows for versatile placement, whether on a desk, in a living room, or on a patio. 

The Schefflera arboricola 'Trinette' adds a touch of tropical charm to any setting with its distinct umbrella-shaped leaves. Use it to bring a vibrant burst of color or a lively touch to your design scheme in a stylish and effortless manner.

8" nursery pot



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