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Jungle House

String of Frogs

String of Frogs

Regular price $22.20 USD
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Ficus Pumila Quercifolia 'String of Frogs' a unique and popular houseplant known for its small leaves that are shaped like frogs!

Use this plant as a fantastic trailing plant to cascade over the rim of a big pot, or keep it as a solitary plant. They grow fast and require little upkeep.

Although your Ficus may be able to withstand drought, it's important to prevent it from becoming too dry. During the growing season, it's best to keep your Ficus moderately moist and water it when the top 2 inches of soil are dry.

Ficus thrive in moderate to bright light, and can even adapt to full sun. Avoid placing them in dimly lit spaces.

Do Not place in drafty areas or under/near an air vent. Unless temperature & humidity are high, drafts or cold air may cause Ficus to drop their lower leaves.

In a clear 4" nursery pot. 



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